The Counsellors' Collective South West
We provide counselling in the community through our Trainee Placement Scheme
Please Note: We are no longer a Limited Liability Partnership
Please deregard LLP designation
As you will be aware, a result of the government advice regarding the delay of the spread of infection by the Covid 19 virus, is that all those in vulnerable groups are now asked to avoid face to face contact, as much as possible, until otherwise advised. We understand that this could last for a period of about fourteen weeks.
In the public interest, and for the protection of each of us, we are working out how best to comply with this advice, while, at the same time continuing to provide our therapy work. We know that at this time of uncertainty and world-wide anxiety it is even more important to maintain continuity in a way that is helpful until we can work face to face again.
We are suggesting that we work over the telephone on numbers agreed between client and counsellor, or by use of a secure online communication. We are suggesting Zoom to all our supervisors and trainees. There is a concern that Skype is less secure. We have had confirmation from most of the training colleges that this work will be eligible for inclusion in the clinical placement hours.
We hope this is helpful and that ‘normal service will be resumed as soon as possible’!
With our very best wishes
The Counsellors’ Collective Team
Please email for information on whether selection interviews for surgery placements are planned
For further details please contact us at: counsellorscollective@gmail.com
Are you a qualified supervisor (in Wiltshire, Somerset or Devon)who would be interested in becoming an approved supervisor for trainees on placement in GP surgeries with us? We would like to hear from you. For further information please contact us at:
Contributions are always hugely appreciated to support the Community work of the Collective
If you would like to make a contribution this can be done by BACS into:
NatWest Bank Account - A/C no 79422659 - Sort Code 60-23-06 - A/C name Counsellors' Collective South West